My girlfriend and I often have a difficult time figuring out what we want to eat on the weekends, one of the reasons I created this site. This weekend was no different, so I looked to my good friend, Nexus One. There is an app called Urbanspoon, you shake the phone, it gives you a random selection. Saturday’s random selection is the Little Red Hamburger Hut. Having had burgers the day before, we weren’t really interested, but “for the sake of the site”, I said.

It’s off the beaten path, so to speak. Act as if you were going to head down to the Melting Pot and then drive right on past. The parking lot is next door, not paved and gives you the impending impression that this may not be the place you want to take a date on prom night. 
Let me help you out with the small amount of confusion as to which door to head through. On the left, is a Salon. It’s not something I expected as the entire building appears to be full of nothing but this little burger joint, I was wrong. On the right side is a very colorfully painted door, with a giant pepper and the name “Little Reds.” Perhaps the name of the place would be a better description, but at least now you know. The building has been there a while, you can tell, but the place I believe is fairly new, only having been there a few years.
Having never been there before, I’m very interested in their menu, burgers, taco burgers, tortilla burgers, “Little Reds,” Fries, Frito Pie and that’s about it. If you aren’t a fan of the hamburger, then walk away. A small burger will give you what seems to be basically a slider at 1/8 lbs, med at 1/4 and a large at 1/2. I go for the medium as I want to try the Frito Pie too.
The person that took my order, seemed to be someone who had a vested interested in the place, likely the owner. He apologized as he explained a busy week left them with no fountain drinks. He made up for it by a fresh supply of canned ones, all you can drink, very nice man. Signs on the menu and the wall free state, “Satisfaction Guaranteed!!!” I’m not entirely sure what exactly they mean by that, but they certainly do seem willing to please. Chile and cheese are free on the burger, so feel free to load up.
Here is the food:
Looks good doesn’t it? Well let me tell you, it was VERY good. A simple burger, cooked extremely well. The meat was full of flavor, though the American cheese is not my favorite, it did not detract from the burger at all. Slightly salty, very meaty, slightly crispy toasted bun, but soft. All around an amazing burger. Sadly they were out of green chile that day, “2nd time in 3 and a half years” the man
says, which goes along with the comment from earlier, “we’ve had a busy week.” Instead of green chile, I got red, which I didn’t eat on my burger as I have Frito Pie!. Fresh toppings, the Frito’s are the real deal, I was assured and they were also nice and crispy.
Let me take a moment to talk about their red sauce. I’m very particular about my red chile. I’ve had Frito Pie with Red Chile before (not Texas chile) and it’s awesome. This, I have to admit, I wasn’t not a huge fan. The chile was hot, not overly so, but a good kick in the mouth. It seemed to be lacking something, which I would highly lean toward garlic. It had a slight sweetness to it, which caught me off guard, but in a good way. The other thing, it has ground beef in it. Not a lot, just a few specks here and there. Just enough for you to think maybe was an accident, but it’s there for a reason, they said so before I even ordered it.
Last, but not least, the fries. Fries are not an easy thing to get right. I’ve tried to make them several times at home and I simply cannot do it. This is the reason most places buy fries pre-cut and par-cooked in a plastic lined paper sack, frozen and shipped across the country. I cannot make any
promises here as I didn’t get an invite into the kitchen, but these fries seem to be the real deal. If not, I want to find out where they get them because they are certainly some of the best fries I’ve ever had. Super crispy on the outside, hot, soft and oh so fluffy on the inside. Lightly salted, I could easily eat a basket or 12 of these.
One last little comment here before I wrap things up. The sign outside calls this place a Wimpy’s. I’m not sure what their association with Wimpy is, as they have a wonderful painting of the Patron St of the Hamburger on their wall. If this was the burger the little chubby man with the funny hat ate, when he asked for a burger, I can certainly understand his obsession. This place, however, does not appear to have any association with the ACTUAL Wimpy Burger of UK fame, or anywhere else for that matter. This is a one of a kind and unique burger place hidden on the back streets of downtown Albuquerque.
It’s been a while since I’ve had a burger and fries this good. The patty is not pre-formed, it’s smashed right onto the grill, the way they used to do it. The food comes out hot and fresh and in exactly the right proportions. With basically one thing on the menu, they HAVE to do it right, and do it right they do. It’s out of the way, but worth the short trek to get there. Stop by the museum on your way and get in some culture to feed your soul because this burger will fill your stomach and please your taste buds.

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