When I originally was coming up with ideas for a website, I couldn’t imagine what I could possibly talk about that I could consider myself an expert it. Then it hit me, food. I’m a big foodie and I eat out a LOT! I remember the moment when it hit me too. I had just gone out to a new burger joint, Lumpy’s. It was so unique and interesting, I hadn’t seen or had anything else like it in Albuquerque. I have to tell people about this, Eureka!!!! I really enjoyed writing the reviews, taking pictures and doing what I loved, eating. But then things got in the way
Last year, about this time I was stressing over buying a new home. I had spent months looking for a place, I must have seen several dozens of homes and finally picked one. Well, that one fell through, then I decided on house two, then someone bought that one. House three, four and five were similar stories. I finally got to house 6 and was ready to go, put in an offer, just waiting for the bank. Then another house and finally got in an offer that I felt comfortable with on a house I liked.
I had several issues with the house, started a new relationship, helped start a new choir, got married, a new job, last year was certainly a year of change. Why am I telling you this? Because this site has suffered in my absence. I have a list of restaurants to review, but It’s been more than a year on most of them and I can’t possible post reviews for places that old. I don’t go out often enough now to write these reviews anymore so it’s time for a change.
I’ve come to realize that I had it all wrong. I’m not a food expert, I have no classical training, I’m just a guy who likes food. That’s it, that’s what I should be focusing on and that is my new direction.
With this new house, I’m starting up a new garden. I am clueless when it comes to gardening, but what I am really good at is diving in head first and exploring the murky depths of whatever project I decide to focus on next. I’ve done a lot of research already and I’m putting a lot of what I learned into practice. Does this mean I’m going to have the most beautiful garden in Albuquerque? Well, yes, of course it does. Now, I just have to figure out how to get there and I’m going to be doing videos of my journey. I’ve already got several in the works and my focus is on growing a sustainable garden in Albuquerque. I want to share with you what I learn and I want you to share with me the things that have worked for you! What plants grow well in our climate? What plants need more shade? What do I need to start growing, do I have to go buy special soil? All of these things and ton more! Join me on this journey and let me know how it’s going on the way.