I started this project on blogspot once upon a time, then moved to WordPress, then moved to a server that I didn’t have to pay a dime for (don’t they always say you get what you pay for?). So one day I go in and check the site to update a new review and the site is down. Alright, got to get that fixed, ok, NOW to post a new review. The site is running SO slowly! What’s going on? Fixed, down again, fixed, down again, fixed….. It’s been down for a while now and there doesn’t appear to be a fix in sight. This just isn’t working out. Enter new hosting company and hopefully a much more stable and responsive Foodtasted.com.
For those of you have previously visited the page, I want to thank you for your patients and your patronage. This project cost money before, in the cost of food and significant portions of time editing pictures, writing blogs, making sure the site is up. Now to add another bill to the process, but hey, what people do for the love of food.
I am working on many many reviews as well as updates to the site, but first, I need to fix what’s already here. The pictures didn’t transfer over, so I need to redo the images. I know I have a backup somewhere, but at the moment, I think it’s roughly 1000 miles away on a computer that is powered off. It will likely just have to wait until I get home by next weekend, but soon my precious, soon. For now, enjoy come Cinema Toast